Meghalaya College Teachers Association (MCTA) an affiliate of All India Federation of University and College Teachers' Organisations ...
Meghalaya College Teachers Association (MCTA) an affiliate of All India Federation of University and College Teachers' Organisations (AIFUCTO) joined hands with other college teachers across the country to observe the nation wide "
Save Higher Education" agitation today. Simultaneously, the signature campaign was launched in support of their demand/grievances which will be sent through AIFUCTO to MHRD, Government of India.
Earlier, the NEC meeting of the AIFUCTO held on 11th November 2017 unanimously decided the following agitation programmes:
- AIFUCTO will submit a detail memorandum to PM and MHRD regarding al the grievances of the different sections of teachers arose due to notification of 7th UGC Pay Scales and with request to invite AIFUCTO and FEDCUTA delegation for talk on the issues as earliest. A separate letter will be sent to Education minister of every state for implementation of the UGC scale.
- On 30th Nov.2017 in every unit teachers will sit in Dharna wearing black badges and observe "Save Higher Education" throughout the country. Teachers will lunch signature campaign in their unit in support of their demands/grievances. It will be sent to MHRD with a copy to AIFUCTO.
- On 12th Dec,2017in every state headquarter teachers will organise a protest Dharna/Procession/Rally against the apathetic attitude of the Govt.
- During winter session of parliament, after AIFUCTO Statutory Conference , a massive
protest programme will be organised. For this approval will be taken from the general
council during Conference.
Signature Campaign by Lady Keane College |
Lady Keane College |
St. Mary's College |
Union Christian College |
Women's College |
College of Teacher Education Shillong |