- Name. - The name of the Association shall be "Meghalaya College Teachers' Association" to be hereinafter called "Association"
- Aims and Objects. -The aims and objects of the Association shall be:
- To strive for and contribute towards all round improvement of education in the State in general and of collegiate education in particular;
- To adopt such means and take such measures as are considered necessary for the development of a healthy, progressive and creative cultural life of Meghalaya, to promote national integration, to uphold national ideals and to defend fundamental values;
- To safeguard and improve the conditions of service of the college teachers irrespective of categories.
- To render necessary help to the distressed members of the Association and their families.
- To endeavour to set up a broader Association of college teachers for the entire north eastern region with a view to developing close relations among the college teachers of the region and strive for united action and joint efforts for solution of their problems;
- To establish friendly relations and co-operation with other teachers' associations inside and outside the state;
- To promote study, research and investigation on educational problems with special reference to the conditions of the region by publishing journals, books, bulletins etc;
- To initiate and assist schemes for securing solution to educational problems locally and nationally.
- (1) Membership and Unit.
- A teacher of a college shall enroll himself as a member of the Association by paying the prescribed enrolment fee.
- Each college shall form a unit of all the enrolled members of the Association with its own President and Secretary. One third of the members shall form the quorum in any unit meeting.
- Each unit shall pay an Annual Unit Fee of Rs. 500/-(Rupees Five Hundred only), as well as Annual Individual Membership fee of Rs. 200 /- (Rupees Two Hundred only) per member of the unit to the fund of the Association.The Enrollment Fee of a member shall be Rs. 100/ (Rupees One Hundred only) to be paid to the Association.
- A unit shall meet its expenses and pay the annual unit and membership fees to the Association by raising a fund of its own with monthly contributions from members of the units.
- Every member of the Association shall be entitled to get a copy of the journal whenever published, at a concessional price that may be prescribed from time to time by the Executive Committee.
- If any member fails to pay the monthly fee to the unit for six consecutive months, the matter should be immediately brought to the notice of the Executive Committee of the Association.However, a member who is on deputation or lien or compulsory leave for one year or more shall continue to be a member after payment of the fees due for the period of absence.
- Welfare Fund - The Association shall have a welfare fund in which each member of the Association shall contribute an amount of Rs. 200/- (Two Hundred only) per member annually.An amount of Rs. 25,000/- (Twenty Five Thousand only) shall be given to the family members who dies in service.
Each unit shall:
- Hold periodical sittings to devise ways and means to improve the standard of teaching and the tone of discipline in the college, to hold discussions and discourses on various topics in pursuit of intellectual endeavour and to take necessary steps to implement the decisions and directives of the Executive Committee, the Unit Secretary being responsible for proper maintenance of regular proceedings of the meetings and proper accounts.
- Frame its own rules of business, keeping in view, and not offending the Constitution and the rules of the Association, such rules being approved by the Executive Committee.
- Shall refer matters relating to the discipline and conduct of members to the Executive Committee of the Association for disposal and the decision of the Executive Committee of the Association shall be binding and final.
- Forward reports of its activities half yearly to the Executive Committee of the Association.
- Each unit shall be represented in the Conference of the Association.
- There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Office Bearers and not more than Fourteen members elected by the delegates from among themselves in the Biennial General Conferences of the Association, there being not more than two members from a Unit.
Notwithstanding anything containing in this constitution, the first Executive Committee of the Association shall be elected by this Conference of Meghalaya College Teachers held at Lady Keane College, Shillong on the 11th April, 1972. - The following shall be the Office Bearers of the Executive Committee.
1. President.
2. Two Vice Presidents.
3. General Secretary.
4. Six Joint Secretaries
5. Treasurer.
- The outgoing President and the General Secretary shall be members of the Executive Committee. This provision may not be affected by the condition laid down in Sec. 4(a).
- In case of any vacancy occurring in any of the offices, the Executive Committee shall appoint any elected member of the Executive Committee to act in that office until the next Biennial General Conference, except that in case of such contingencies in respect of the General Secretary, one of the Joint Secretaries shall be appointed General Secretary.
- In case of any other vacancy arising in any elective seat in the Executive Committee the latter shall have power to fill up the vacancy by co-option without affecting the representation of the units as per Clause 4(a).
- No vacancy in the Executive Committee shall invalidate the proceedings of any meeting of the Committee.
- A member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the committee without furnishing reasonable grounds for such absence, shall cease to be a member of the committee.
- Notwithstanding anything contained in clause 4(a) the Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt not more than three members if deemed necessary.
- The members of the Academic Council of the North Eastern Hill University, who are also members of the Association, shall also be the ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.
- There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Office Bearers and not more than Fourteen members elected by the delegates from among themselves in the Biennial General Conferences of the Association, there being not more than two members from a Unit.
- The Executive shall-
- Hold office for 24 months and subject to the provision 8 (a) hereinafter.
- Execute the decisions of the Biennial General Conference;
- Sanction expenditure (on requisition from the General Secretary of the Association) and be responsible for quarterly review of all expenditures of the Association.
- Frame rules for disbursement of Association's Funds and other organizational matters not inconsistent with the Constitution and for selection of members of the Association to various bodies of the Universities.
- Have power to take disciplinary action against any member of unit if and when the Constitution, any rule, or any decision of the Executive or the Conference is violated.
- Take such other steps and measures in furtherance of the aims, objects, general policy and discipline of the Association.
- The Executive Committee shall have access and power to call for certified extracts of the membership register of the Constituent Units.
- One third of the members shall form the quorum in a meeting of the Executive Committee.
- In a situation, when the Executive Committee feels that any emergent decision is called for on any vital issue, the Executive Committee shall call a joint meeting of the Executive and the President and Secretaries of all units for the above purpose.
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to select delegates from time to time to attend Educational Conferences or Annual Conference of other similar Teachers' Association.
- The Executive shall-
- The President or in his/her absence, any one Vice-President shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee.
- The President or in his/her absence, any one Vice-President shall preside over the Biennial General Conferences of the Association.
- The General Secretary shall be responsible for day to day official and organizational work, convene Executive Committee meetings with prior consent of the President or in his absence the Vice-President, and prepare the Annual General Report and place it along with the audited accounts before the Biennial General Conference on behalf of the Executive Committee after due approval of the Executive Committee.
- The Joint Secretaries shall assist the General Secretary in conducting day to day official affairs of the Association and shall execute task assigned to them by the General Secretary.
- The Treasurer shall maintain all accounts of the Association including receipt and expenditure and shall be jointly responsible with the General Secretary for all accounts.
- The funds of the Association shall comprise enrollment fee, unit affiliation fee, annual individual membership fee and other special contribution from members, donations, subscriptions and grants.
- The funds of the Association shall be deposited in postal savings bank or any Scheduled bank and jointly operated by the Treasurer and the General Secretary. All expenditure shall be made in accordance with the rules framed by the Executive Committee.
- All accounts of the Association up to the 15th day preceding the date of the Conference shall be duly audited by a qualified auditor (not being the member of the Executive Committee). A summary of receipts and payments during the next 15 days shall also be placed before the Biennial General Conference.
- The Biennial General Conference of the Association shall be held on the expiry of 24 months from the date of the last Conference and in any case not later than 28 months under extraordinary circumstances to be notified to the units. The date and venue of the Conference shall be fixed by the Executive Committee and notified to the Units at least 20 days before the Conference.
- The Biennial General Conference shall be the supreme body and shall have power to discuss, decide and take action on any matter placed before it by the Executive Committee or by any delegate with permission of the President.
- All members of the Executive Committee of the Association shall be deemed as Ex-Officio delegates to the Biennial General Conference.
- Each unit shall send one delegate for every three members or fraction thereof to the Biennial General Conference.
- Members of the Association are entitled to attend as member visitors. Member visitors will not have the power to vote.
- A Special Conference of the Association may be convened by the Executive Committee for any specific purpose if and when it is considered absolutely necessary or may be requisitioned by not less than one third of the total numbers of affiliated units of the Association for any specific purpose clearly stated in the letter of requisition on receipt of which the President shall take necessary steps to convene the Conference.
The Executive Committee shall suggest to the Reception Committee of the Biennial General Conference a panel of names for the Inauguration and the Chief Guest of the Biennial General Conference. - AMENDMENT:The Constitution shall not be amended. modified or rescinded except by a motion duly moved in the Biennial General Conference after not less than twenty-one days’ notice to the President and after circulation of the same to the units for not less than fifteen days before the Conference and passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the delegates present and voting.
The Association shall not be dissolved except by a special resolution that may be moved in an Annual or Special Conference of the Association with one month's prior notice of such a resolution to the affiliated units and passed by at least two-third majority of the delegates present and voting in the Conference. In case of the dissolution, the assets and property of the Association, after all its debts, and liabilities having been cleared, shall be handed over to an Association having similar aims and objects and elected by the Conference of the Association by majority votes.
This Constitution was passed by the Meghalaya College Teachers at the General Conference held at Lady Keane College, Shillong on the 11th April, 1972 under the Presidentship of Prof. N. Misra and updated with all the amendments amended up to the 31st General Conference held at Lady Keane College, Shillong on 29th November 2014